Thursday, August 12, 2010

Random Association

For this lesson, its about create or manipulate things such as kitten as the concept for this lesson to a scary image or object. The purpose is to make people realize if something that usually they see as cute and harmfless become a dangerous carnivore that will rip your flesh and your guts. So, ths is what I come out with:-

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Juxtaposition Class Activity

Matching Words and Images

Step 1- Choose 3 pairs of number from 0 to 9.

My numbers:-
  1. 76- dogspider
  2. 50- firehead
  3. 67- ducktree
Step 2- Create 3 sentences for each pair of number

  1. The dog step on a spider
  2. His head was caught on fire
  3. The duck hid itself under a fallen tree.
Step 3- Create an images from the combining words or numbers.


Juxtaposition-Poem Writing

The class was asked to relate pictures into words. And the best way to do that is through poem writing to to describe the picture. These are few samples of mine.


Food without chillies spice taste flavorless
Life without love feel loneliness
A little bit of spice make a lot of difference
Turn the foods to flavorful dish
A lot of love make a huge difference
Turn life to happily ever after


An ice cream without sweet
taste plain and bitter
A life without pain
gain neither hardship nor empathy
Just emptiness taste of flavor

Life is like a lit fire on a lamp
But without oil
Sooner or later it will disappear
Without guidance
Life is like dim light
Will it die out
or survive with no purpose


Tick, Tock
The sound of a clock
Tick, Tock
The moment happiness of a clock
Tick, Tock
The anger of a clock
Tick, Tock
The sadness of a clock
Tick, Tock
The sound of a clock
No matter what hardship comes
Moment of happiness will surely appear
Like a rotation of time
Hours to Hours
Minutes to Minutes
Seconds after Seconds
Tick, Tock
The sound of a clock


A world with only women
Is an incomplete cycle of life
A world with only women
Is a emptiness life
A world with only women
Is neither happiness nor nothing
But a world with men and women
Is a complete pair of life
Like mortar and pestle